If you follow my work you may have seen this little darling’s baby brother’s birth story a few months ago. Well, now it’s her turn for her birth story of sorts. I was asked along to document the day she forever became a Hollifield. The day she was adopted out of the foster care system and legally born into this family. A birth story as important as any I’ve ever told.
The hustle and bustle, coupled with anxiety and excitement filled their home that morning. While at times frantic, I was blown away at the well oiled machine that was their household. Each person had a job to do, and lent helping hands where needed. To me this is a testament to the quality parenting Stephanie and AJ are providing these precious kiddos.
You see, they don’t just talk about doing things to make the world a better place. They don’t just talk about making other people’s lives better. They actually live out loud, loving each other like Christ asks. They live it. They live His love daily in the way they love each other, and they live it by being shining examples of giving these adopted babes a life far better than the one they were born into.
Haley, you were blissfully unaware of the anxiety, worry, and fears that enveloped your mom and dad leading up to this moment. And rightfully so. You played with the microphone, and bounced on your daddy’s knee. One day, soon, you will understand the love that surrounds you, not just by your family, but by all who are blessed to know your story!