Emily takes the cake for booking me the earliest, and I’ve yet to meet a woman more ready and more qualified to be a momma. I was only witness to the end of their journey to parenthood… I was blessed to hear their testimony, watch this miracle grow inside her, and ultimately be there for sweet William’s first breath. I watched the tears roll down Emily’s face, I saw Joseph adore and fall in love with his wife all over again. I witnessed the birth of a miracle.
This was a post Emily made just after William was born:
When I was 11 years old, someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I’ve known all along: a teacher, a wife, and a mother. The first two were somewhat easy to achieve. I went to a great university, learned from gifted professors, and was hired to teach at the best school. I met Joseph in high school and after a few years of friendship, we started dating and knew two months later we wanted to get married after graduating college. Becoming a mother wasn’t quite as easy, and at times it felt hopeless. I often thought it might not be a part of God’s plan for my life. After 3 years of waiting, much support and prayers from family and friends, and expertise and assistance from doctors, I was able to fulfill my dream of becoming a Mom. As I lay here holding my newborn son, I am so thankful for God’s goodness and His graciousness for allowing me to be Mom to this little miracle.
Music Licensed through MusicBed.com and SongFreedom.com or used with permission.
Gungor – Every Breath