This time 3 years ago I was editing this little girl’s big brother’s birth. And now I’m sharing hers. The longer I do this, and the more repeat clients I get, it just adds extra sweetness to see my first timers coming back to become big siblings. James loves his June, and steals the show with his sweet hands loving on his baby sister.
And Courtney, well, she rocked this quick birth…. Just like no two kids are the same, no two births are the same. Things got real quickly after her water broke. Miss June was in a hurry to welcome the world with her smiles. Yes, she came out smiling, and making the most expressions I’ve ever seen a baby make in their first minutes of life. She is such a joy, and came into the world shining her happiness.
Jonathan, you were such a wonderful supportive husband! Taking care of your wife’s every needs while still intermittently documenting it, in the perfect way that only you can. Thank you for sharing that space with me!
Thank you guys for asking me back into your lives again on such a special day. Thank you for trusting me with your memories!
These images were editing with my custom color presets that can be purchased HERE.