This is the intimate and powerful birth story of Julie and her precious Wright. Julie came to me to document his birth knowing she would be having a c-section. She explained her reasoning for wanting to document his birth in such a perfect way. There were moments she knew she would miss… daddy holding him, giving him a bath, the family seeing him for the first time. As crazy as it sounds a lot happened in that 20 minutes that she would’ve missed or that Dad wouldn’t have been totally present for if he had to carry a camera. To me, this birth solidified the massive importance of birth photography. Most importantly though, I hope this shows the beauty of birth, specifically a c-section. No matter what the delivery method, it all comes down to a life entering this world, which to me, is just… a miracle. For more information on birth photography sessions, click here.
Lastly I want to give a special thanks to Julie for asking me along for this. As much as I am a firm believer in birth photography and how important it is… I still am humbled at being asked into such private and intimate moments with these families. One to even be there as their child is born, but then to be given permission to share these moments is such a blessing to me. So thank you, thank you, thank you.