After a birth photo goes globally viral, to the point Lil Wayne even shares it, it kind of makes it harder to start the thought process on writing their blog. What a whirlwind birth and what a rollercoaster experience of the longest viral run any of my work has had. Dara and Eric were champs, as it’s no easy task dealing with media requests and internet trolls. I couldn’t think of two better people to share and walk out that experience with.
Obviously Dara’s expression of finding out it was a boy takes the cake, but the expressions of her husband and his doting support, the care and affection of the midwives, the shared excitement of her best friend being her nurse for the birth, the shock and adoration of the grandparents, and last but certainly not least their precious daughter smitten with her new best friend… well all of that makes for one heck of a birth story.
It’s been an honor being by her side for both of her births, and it’s an honor to call her my friend!